
2025 Annual Meeting
Every year, the Board of Directors calls the required annual meeting of the Homeowners. For 2025, the meeting will be held on November 21st, 2024 at 6:30 PM via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 879 5240 0048
Passcode: 529586
Passcode: 529586
At the annual meeting, the Board will present the 2025 operating budget and elections for Board members will be held.
Monthly Board Meetings
The Board of Directors for the Homeowners' Associations meets regularly, typically the third Thursday of each month. All owners are welcome and encouraged to attend these public meetings.
Regular notices are sent out via email and posted to the Facebook group with current login information. All of our meetings utilize the Zoom platform which can be accessed via mobile app or desktop computer.
If you wish to speak at a meeting, we ask that you pre-register with HOA Management. Please email Stacy Legg and let her know that you are attending and if you can providea summary of the discussion or feedback you will be providing, it is appreciated.
Regular notices are sent out via email and posted to the Facebook group with current login information. All of our meetings utilize the Zoom platform which can be accessed via mobile app or desktop computer.
If you wish to speak at a meeting, we ask that you pre-register with HOA Management. Please email Stacy Legg and let her know that you are attending and if you can providea summary of the discussion or feedback you will be providing, it is appreciated.